You must be logged into Answers to add comments. Sign in or Register.,night school in maryland Night school for night school in maryland Night school for teenagers in Marylandteenagers in Maryland.
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Id suggest that you meet with your guidance counselor and ask him/her about night school. Counselors are generally aware of alternatives that are available to students.
Ive searched on google, and have found nothing pertaining night school for teenagers. I know it exists, Ive heard of kids who go to night school, I just dont know who to contact or what to do next to get more information on the subject. Ive been having alot of problems in my regular high school, so when I refused to go back and the police came to my house, one of them mentioned night school. I cant do home schooling, or private school because of the money issue. If anyone knows what i could do to get more information on night schools in maryland, and if there are any, please help me. Im also very mature for my age, and thats another reason Im sick of regular high school. I have hypersensitive hearing, and I can;t concentrate in most of my classes. The school is doing nothing to help us,2013-1-24 下午10:41:49. and Id really like some more information on night school. Thank you!